Blog Archives

Planning a winter vacation? Have your home checked while you travel

Ah, our lovely Canadian winters. There’s nothing nicer than being inside on a cold Vancouver day, drinking something warm by a fire after a day of skiing, snowshoeing or a walk on the beach. And then it gets old. The grey, the cold, the dark mornings. At some stage during the winter, many Vancouverites flock […]

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Get 2014 Big Plans Done Early

It’s already 2014, Vancouver, and I bet you have all sorts of plans for this year. You’ll be working, learning, playing, laughing, crying; everything that’s part of being alive. And many of you will be travelling as well. It may be a long trip to France in the summer or maybe just a weekend up at […]

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Taking a Trip? Let us help!

Leaving the cold and rain behind to go find some sunshine? Lucky you! Let us help you get ready for your trip. Here are some ways we can make your departure and return a little easier. • Assistance with packing. We can help you and your family get packed up with all of the appropriate […]

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Life is about to get crazy!

So the kids go back to school next week, we all know what that means; life is going to get crazy again!   From early morning basketball, to tutoring to hockey practice, you are going to be one very busy family. On top of that, we all know how much stress this time of year […]

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The Importance of Hiring a Personal Assistant to Watch Your Home in Your Absence

When leaving the rainy Vancouver winter for sunnier climates (or just for business) it is extremely important that you have somebody check on your place while you are away. Having a person Personal Assistant physically check your home will go a long way in deterring would be thieves and ensure your home insurance remains valid […]

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