Summer is Winding Down…Time to Get Ready for Fall!

Fall Errands Vancouver, Leave it to MeAhhh August…The later sun rises and the earlier gorgeous sunsets remind us that our days are indeed getting shorter (by 3 minutes per day!) and fall is upon us. Even though you might still be enjoying your summer holidays, we’re always thinking of ways we can help you simplify your life and stick to the things you enjoy the most. As the weather changes from summer to fall, there’s a lot of maintenance around the home that should be taken into consideration in order to make sure you’re ready for cold, wet winter. Here are some examples:

  • A furnace tune-up/duct cleaning. Getting your furnace cleaned and tuned, as well as cleaning out your ducts will ensure everything will be running smoothly (and less dusty!) when the cold hits.
  • Gutter maintenance. Getting debris removed from your gutter before the rainy season starts ensures you won’t have to climb up onto a soggy roof and unclog your drainpipes!
  • Fall garden maintenance. Trimming back trees and snipping back perennials, covering delicate plants and getting your lawn ready for winter are important and keeps your yard in great shape for next spring.
  • Organizing summer clothes/kids summer toys. Making sure everything is organized and stacked away, so you can just pull it out next year!

While we definitely aren’t furnace experts, we are experts at finding quality people to come into your home and complete these essential services. We can even be home when you’re not, supervising every step of the way. Our goal is to make it so you can keep enjoying your summer, and then go right on to enjoying your fall! Give us a call today to see how we can help!

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