Mother’s Day Gift Cards

Give her the best gift possible this Mother’s Day, with the gift of time.

Does your Mom or loved one need some help? For most of us, there just isn’t enough time in the day. We’re all rushed off our feet with work, home, kids and errands.

Leave It To Me has the perfect Mother’s Day gift for you. Give a sweet, thoughtful and meaningful gift to your special lady this year by purchasing errand time. Flowers, chocolates and other fancy gifts are nice but what she really needs is someone to take care of those tedious errands that take up her quality time so she can do something she really loves.

Here’s how it works. After an initial meeting, Patsy will get started, helping with services such as grocery shopping, gift/personal shopping, item returns/exchanges, home check-ins if she’s travelling, prescription drop off/pick up, meal delivery, dry cleaning drop off/pick up, and organizational tasks. We can do it all so she doesn’t have to. We’re organized, trustworthy, and we always go above and beyond with our services. Our testimonials from satisfied customers show that we will always go the extra mile for you.

Pricing starts at $110 for 2 hours of Leave It To Me time. You can buy any number of hours you wish. Get more information here or email us directly at

Leave It To Me Gift Cards for Mother's Day

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