Holiday Planning? Holiday Booked?

The weather is warming up and you have likely made your summer vacation plans and are day dreaming about them or just starting to plan.  Either way, don’t forget to consider what will be happening on the home-front while you are away.

Your Leave it to Me Personal Assistant can check on your home daily to collect your mail, ensure newspapers and junk mail don’t collect at your door, water your plants and feed / walk your beloved animals.

Perhaps you have a neighbour collecting your mail and you don’t have animals; did you know that most insurance policies require someone to be physically in your house at least once a week?  Should a pipe burst while you’re on holidays and you are unable to prove that you had someone checking on your home your insurance company may chose to not cover the damage.

Contact your Leave it to Me Personal Assistant today to ensure your home is covered while you’re away; the peace of mind you will gain will only increase the pleasure of your holiday.

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