Time for Your Pets

You know that the older you get, the faster time seems to run? That’s because the more you live, the more each moment is a smaller proportion of your life. For example, when you were 5, a year was almost 25% of your life up to that point; that’s a lot – almost eternity! But […]

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Dogs of All Shapes and Sizes

One of the really fun things about dogs is their dizzying variety. Look at a basset hound, a Chihuahua, a Great Dane, and a poodle. They don’t look like they belong to the same species! And even within the same breed, no two creatures are identical. That German shepherd over there who’s been raised as […]

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The Thing About Dogs

Walk around almost anywhere in Vancouver and you’ll see a lot of people with a lot of dogs. And who doesn’t love dogs? They’re intelligent, affectionate, playful, and perhaps most importantly, really loyal. That’s because, like the wolves they were bred from, dogs are pack animals and they treat their owners as pack leader. It’s […]

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How Your Pet Looks Forward to Walks

It’s important to remember that your dog thinks about walks very differently from how you do. You may enjoy one or two walks a day – gets you some exercise, quality Vancouver fresh air – but that’s probably enough. You’ve got a lot to keep you occupied and there’s no way you’re going to be […]

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Dog Walking in Cold, Wet Weather

It’s officially fall and with winter just around the corner, the cold and wet weather is coming. For most of us that means more time spent inside, but for our pets, spending time in the outdoors is still important. Leave It To Me’s dog walking services continues in the winter months, however, there are a […]

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Keep Your Dog Safe this Halloween

Halloween is an exciting time for most people. Even if you’re not dressing up and enjoying the festivities yourself, handing out candy to the little kids who come trick or treating door-to-door is a great tradition that everyone looks forward to. Usually with the Halloween festivities comes firecrackers, fireworks and strangers ringing your doorbell over […]

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Buying or Selling a home? Make it easier…Call Leave It To Me!

With a pretty balanced market in Metro Vancouver right now, it’s the perfect time to buy or sell a home.  With making this decision, most of us get an instant headache after the excitement of a new address goes away.  Keep that awesome feeling of excitement alive and let us take care of the details!  […]

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Awesome Dog Walking Spots in Vancouver

  Having a dog in Vancouver is pretty fun.  There are a lot of dog parks, marked off beaches and areas where you can spend the day loving your pup!  With only a couple of nice weeks left of the summer season, check out our list below of great places to go:   New Brighton […]

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Keeping Your Dog Summer Safe

With summer in full swing and the days heating up, we thought we’d put together a little post on how to keep your best friend comfortable, safe and cool in the summer. Heading out on the water?  Think about your dog too! Most of us take the proper precautions when heading out on a boat […]

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There’s No Place Like Home!

When we make plans to take a much needed vacation, or have to jet away on a business trip, the hardest part can be making arrangements for our beloved pets.  Pet hotels and kennels can be expensive, you still have to drop them off and they aren’t as comfortable as they would be safe at […]

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